Immersing himself in these stories of man and machine, Mike has trusted his instincts, following the road less taken, discovering places that often seem impenetrable or inaccessible. Among his countless adventures, Mike has survived for weeks in the unforgiving Outback with only his backpack and camera in hand; he has been submerged in the Pacific Ocean on a ballistic missile submarine during classified missions with the US Navy, travelled with the Air Force to war-torn Afghanistan, landed on aircraft carriers with fighter pilots, and endured cyclones with fifty-foot swells in the middle of the Bering Sea. And whatever the mission, no matter where in the world it may be, Mike is sure to let you know that although amazing machines and the latest technology are vital tools, it always comes back to the resilience of the people and the crews that push each other to get the best results. It’s a reminder what we are all capable of.